To get the absolute best out of your Travel Nest, we've put together the following hints to help them drift off like a dream...
1. Test out your Travel Nest at home before its first flight to find the right level of inflation for your child, we recommend 70 - 80% for maximum comfort but it's obviously personal depending on your child's size and preference.
2. The Travel Nest can be used in many different positions whilst both awake and drifting off to sleep and can also be used during taxi, take off and landing so try out a few positions to see what works best for your family.
3. A great tip that we've found; try sprinkling some relaxing essential oils such as lavender on the nest before you leave. The calming smells can really help aid relaxation and sleep.
4. The quick deflate mechanism makes it so easy to pack up in a hurry if needed. Simply open the valve and press the inner valve button once and hey presto, the air is out. Pack it away in the convenient travel pouch, clip it to your carry on bag and skip off that plane towards your next adventure!
We'd love to hear any tips you have! Please email us with your own helpful hacks and we can share them with our growing community.